Easy Ways to Find the Qibla for Prayer

Knowing the qibla, or the direction of prayer, is essential for Muslims. This path leads to the Ka'bah in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

In Islam, facing the Qibla is a key requirement for performing prayer. It is an act of express worship. The Khana Kaaba is Allah's House and the world's oldest place of worship.

Allah is everywhere. Allah does not limit himself by time or place. By facing Khana Kaaba five times a day, a certain level of connection and devotion to Allah takes control.

It promotes solidarity, collaboration, and unity, as well as the kind nature of Islam and our faith.

Best Ways to Find Qibla

The first thing you should know is where you are in the world in terms of Makah. It is commonly assumed that Muslims must pray facing east, but this is not always correct.

This is right when you are west of Makah. There are a few easy techniques for determining Qibla's direction.

1- With the Help of Technology

With the help of technology, it is now quite easy to discover the exact direction of Qibla. There are certain apps built specifically for determining the correct direction of Qibla.

These applications are available for free download. After installing them, you may quickly utilize them to determine the correct direction of Qibla.

2- With Help of the Sun

The sun is a good compass heading marker since it rises in the East and sets in the West.

If you know where your current location is in relation to Makkah, you may understand the headings by seeing where the sun rises and sets in that area.

If Makkah lies to the north of your city or country and the sun sets on one side, you are facing the Qibla. However, if the sun is setting on one side, you should face the other direction.

The position of the sun may also be used to determine the exact location of the Qibla on two occasions during the year.

3- With the Help of a Sundial

Find a patch of level or level ground and place a vertical question about 3 feet long on the ground just before twelve. Make a mark on the ground where the tip of the question's shadow falls.

Make a circle around the question, using its length as the span. Over time, the shadow will shrink and travel away from the circle. It will then grow longer and reach another path before returning to the circle.

Examine the intersection of the circle with the shadow. Use a straight line to connect both impressions.

This heading is west to east, with the primary check being west and the secondary check being east. Bring another opposing line to this one.

The second line will run north-south. After you have determined the cardinal bearings, it will be less difficult to determine the Qibla direction.

4- With the Help of a Compass

A compass is the most direct and easy way to determine Qibla's direction.

If you know about your place in relation to the Makah, a compass becomes a lot more specific and exact than a plain stick in the ground.

What is a Qibla?

The direction of Qibla defines the Kaaba at Mecca, Saudi Arabia. As a Muslim, the Qibla direction is incredibly essential since it is the direction that Muslims must face when praying.

It is essential for a Muslim to stand facing the Qibla during prayers because he is unable since he has a body hence a Muslim requires a definite direction, facing somewhere during the prayer.

Because the Kaaba was established by Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail (PBUH), Muslims see it as a blessed location.

The Kaaba was later ruled as the Qibla by Allah through the Holy Quran to Muhammad (SAW) during the second year of the Hijri, altering the direction of the Qibla from Masjid Al-Aqsa.

Does the Qibla Direction change?

Yes, the answer is yes. While the Qibla always refers to the direction of the Kaaba, the direction you should face is determined by your location.

The Qibla direction is more than just a compass point like North, South, East, or West.

Importance of facing the qibla in prayer

Facing toward the qibla when praying is critical since the prayer's reliability is dependent on it.

As a result, academics both past and present have given close attention to methods of identifying the qibla, one of which is the sun.

 JanoDekho publishes daily articles with the most recent information.

Muhammad Faizan Anwar